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Allergic shock: Mini-pretzel destroys American model Chandel Giagalon’s life

Chandel Giagalone is a model, actress, who lived in Los Angeles and worked in Las Vegas. A young woman who loved life, dreamed of a place on the sunny side, caught up in small roles in many films, full of hope.

Today Giagalon (35) is paralyzed and bedridden. She communicates with the outside world using a special computer that analyzes eye movements. Her parents take care of her and she is fed artificially.

The bite on a mini pretzel ruined his life. She was lying on top of frozen yogurt that a friend had given her eight years ago.

Unknown to Giagalon: There was peanut butter in the pretzels – and an allergic reaction.

On Friday, his family was awarded $ 29.5 million in damages. First you have to pay the ambulance that took care of Giagalon.

Giagalon starred with others in the thriller “Butterfly Effect 3 – Exposure”.Photo: Nettles Morris Law Firm

February February In February 2013, the then 27-year-old was booked into a fashion show in Las Vegas (US state Nevada) at 3 p.m. She asked what was there.

Your friend remembered aloud “Las Vegas Review-Journal“In court:” I said, “I think peanut butter.” ‘I have an allergy!’

Everything has gone very fast since then. Giagalon’s throat was swollen on the way to emergency medical services. The young woman turned blue and, according to her introduction, repeated these words: “Don’t kill me. I do not want to die. “

The paramedics also shot their adrenaline. However, only within the muscle tissue, not through the nerve. Giagalon left. She stopped breathing. For a few minutes, her brain was not given oxygen.

She survived. But the brain damage she suffered was so severe that she would need help forever. Her mother (59) sleeps next to her every night and testifies during interrogation: “I do not want her to go anywhere else. I love her, she loves me. “

Her father, 70, also said, “When I looked into Chandel’s eyes, she said to me, ‘Dad, don’t abandon me. I’ll get out of here. ‘Then I looked at her and said,‘ Darling, don’t be afraid. I will never abandon you. ‘”

With the money won in court, Giagalon’s care needs to be improved, and the family in Detroit (Michigan, USA) wants to provide them with more professional assistance.

Father Jack After the procedure: “It still is. She still has emotions and cries. I’ll see them when I get home – and then we’ll fix everything. “

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