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This is the most affected area and what is the risk after contact - Libero Cotidino

This is the most affected area and what is the risk after contact – Libero Cotidino

Take itTick ​​alarm In Italy. Usually with Season In hot weather, this problem is resurfacing, but this year apparently the situation in some parts of our country is worrisome. Here in fact, as the newspaper Arena de Verona pointed out, Ulss 9 should report the alarm and monitor the situation. In fact, according to the Ulss 9 report, the eaters had already been in ambush for two months. As Virgil points out in Italy, one of the reasons is the extreme heat of recent weeks and the abandonment of the “highlands”. But the main role in this emergency is certainly played by wild boars, which are directly affected by tick-borne zoonosis and multiply the presence of these pests.

For humans, the risks are the same as for diseases Lime And this Meningitis From ticks. Access data from the Negro Emergency Room comes to the fore: already in May alone with a peak of 23 additions due to tick-related problems already 37. Step Stefano Adomi, The director of Ulss 9’s Veterinary Services said, “The prolonged period of the winter drought, coupled with the outbreak of warm weather already in the spring, created favorable conditions for the proliferation of ticks, which is expected within two months. Particular attention should be paid when walking in nesting sites, for humans and pets you need some simple tricks to avoid stinging, as advised by Professor Adami to protect against ticks, wearing closed-toed shoes, knee-high socks or long trousers when walking in the mountains or in the woods.

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