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January 21 is International Hug Day

January 21 is International Hug Day

Today, January 21, is International Hug Day (the National Hug Day) was founded in 1986 by a pastor from Michigan. This day (which is celebrated near the saddest day of the year, was blue monday), aims to confront feeling nostalgic Which often attracts people who follow Christmas time.

A whole day dedicated to Hug, a gesture of affection that brings so many BenefitsPhysically and mentally:

  • improves mood, in fact, free hugging or hugging gesture dopamine Inside our bodies, for the benefit of producing and releasing endorphins;
  • relieves anxiety, Many studies have confirmed that hugging is a Psychosocial support That defends us from stress, situations ansiogene e Stress;
  • It prevents disease, the hugs actually enhance immune defense It is also through the gesture that a natural rise in body temperature “absorbs” the well-being of those who embrace us, thanks to the so-called “mirror neurons“;
  • relieves headaches, a job neurotransmitters It is a natural pain reliever that affects the nervous system and thus calms migraines.
  • It can relieve menstrual painThe production of endorphins stimulates the action of neurotransmitters that act on pain, as well as relieves tension and muscle spasms.The severity of menstrual cramps;
  • Increases the potential of the brainwhile hugging someone cerebral hemispheres harmony, thereby increasing concentration, level of attention and ability to learn;
  • Boosts self esteemHugging increases productivity oxytocin e serotonin Which works effectively on the level of self-esteem, strengthening and increasing it Self confidence. The feelings of affection and sympathetic closeness emanating from a hug ensure that this positive physiological interaction is reinforced.
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International Hug Day National Hug Day

During the past two years (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), this gesture has reached a ban level, mainly due to the rules in place to prevent infection such as full closure and the social distancing: Not by chance Facebook social networking site In the spring of 2020, presented interaction of hugs allowing users of the social network known as “hugs,” albeit in a virtual manner. Indeed, in this latter period, hugs seem to be more important, or rather more valuable because we have experienced what it means to live without them.