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Traffic chaos and fallen trees

Traffic chaos and fallen trees

Rain, hail and wind: Another day marked Bad weather Today it has caused traffic congestion in various parts of the city. Especially in northern Rome, from Saxa Rubra to Tryonfale, but also in Monticello and Nomentana. A series of water bombs flooded the streets: Anas groups had to intervene in Palmyra Togliatti for some intervention in the neighborhood. Rivers of water and turbulence – even manholes clogged with layer of leaves – leave the capital, along with Colombo and Salaria. Rome Fumicino has been completely whitewashed by hail, as some motorists say on social media. Strong winds and damage to the beach. Apia bignatelli blocked: fire paths intercepted by fallen trees.

Weather warning, new wave of snow and rain from Campania to Sardinia

Early in the morning, until noon, hundreds of phone calls came in to the fire department as the cellars and streets were flooded. According to meteorologists, the capital will experience 24 hours of severe bad weather. The Regional Operations Center announced today that the Department of Civil Defense has issued a yellow alert for adverse weather for the next 24-30 hours until December 2nd.

In particular, delays and queues have been reported for flood-prone roads via Grande Rocardo Anulare, De Monte Diburtini, Lungotwere near the island of Tiberina, Muro Torto, Giovanni XXIII Gallery, Della Pinetta Sacheti. Crossroads between GRA and Tangenziale Est in the urban area of ​​A24. The speed of wind and rain on the Roman coast creates problems: flooded roads and cellars. 250 families were evacuated overnight due to a landslide in Idri in the province of Latina.

Over the next few hours, the weather in Lazio and Rome will be very unpredictable, with a high risk of rain and thunderstorms until the evening.

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