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The Medium, PS5 VS Xbox Series X nell'analisi di Digital Foundry -

The Medium, PS5 VS Xbox Series X nell’analisi di Digital Foundry –

average It’s been around for a while now too PS5, ma digital foundry He wanted to wait for ray tracing to be implemented on a Sony console before doing his usual analysis and comparing the game to the release. Xbox Xbox X.

So on which next-generation platform does the Bloober Team title work best? The Medium’s first video comparison provided a fairly straightforward answer, although it’s far from clear in conclusions, and Digital Foundry is no different from this point of view.

We are actually faced with two different interpretations, which is somewhat unusual in the context of consoles. The Xbox Series X version of The Medium bets on one Superior picture quality Regarding the effects, ray tracing Included, but it pays in terms of definition and frame rate.

that it PlayStation 5 The opposite happens: the developers have clearly cut the quality of the effects in order to get it Higher accuracy on average that it Fixed frame rate, albeit marred by the oscillating speed of the frame.

It goes without saying that in the end the two versions are side by side, meaning that they act like two graphic modes on the same platform and offer a different experience: preference for one or the other becomes in this case a personal question.

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