Friday, July 26, 2024

Vaccines: Dose Cuts, Holidays and Campaign Slow – Health


Summer comes to life and the vaccination campaign slows its course, despite the fact that one in three Italians who have been vaccinated (19.6 million) have crossed the line. Daily administrations are maintained above 500,000 – as promised by General Francesco Vigliolo – but last week’s data shows a decline compared to the previous administration: from 3,832,469 of the seven days between June 21 and 26, it passed to 2,906,691 on the day running from June 28 to July 4. Data for tomorrow and this evening are still missing, but it is expected to remain well below the previous week’s share. The economic downturn mainly affects Pfizer. Then there remains the core of the approximately 2.5 million over 60s who have not yet received a dose.

Latest numbersThere have been 932 positive coronavirus tests in Italy in the past 24 hours, according to Health Ministry data. An increase compared to yesterday, when there were 794 casualties in one day, 6 fewer than yesterday. 228,127 molecular and antigenic smears were performed. Yesterday there were 199,238. The positivity rate is fixed at 0.4%.

204 patients are admitted to intensive care for Covid in Italy, a decrease of 9 units compared to yesterday in the daily balance between entrances and exits. The daily input, according to the data of the Ministry of Health, was 2, both in Campania. The number of symptomatic patients on regular wards is 1,394, down 75 units compared to yesterday.

The number of cases in Italy since the beginning of the epidemic has reached 4,262,511, and deaths are 127,637. On the other hand, the number of those dismissed and recovered reached 4,089,298, an increase of 3,110 compared to yesterday, while the current positive decline is to 45,576, down by 2,203 over the past 24 hours. In home isolation there are 43,978 people (-2119).

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19606,446 Italians completed the course of vaccination, corresponding to 33% of the population. This is what appears from the data of the commissioner’s structure. The administrations have so far reached 52,872,596 doses out of 58,914.937 doses (89.7%).

Two more weeks to understand the effects of the delta variable on Covid-19 infection in Italy. “We see the data in 10-15 days, and in any case, the use of the mask at this point remains essential at all gathering events. It should always be carried with you”: this is the method used by the molecular epidemiologist at the Campus of Biomedicine in Rome in Ansa, Massimo Sicuzzi Emphasizing again that “a single dose of vaccine does not cover” this variant” and “we show this as Campus Biomedico, along with Silvia Angeletti, Head of Clinical Pathology, in a case report that I am preparing for a person vaccinated with a single dose who has contracted with a delta variable. We describe this case and then publish it,” announces Ciccozzi, recalling data from a recent report from Public Health England of 33% efficacy with the first doses of Pfizer and AstraZeneca against variable delta symptoms (B. 2), three weeks after the first dose compared to the efficacy of 50% against the English variant (B.1.1.7) Hence, as Ciccozzi says, the need to “improve and implement the sequence despite recovering from 0.5% to 2.5%, against 5% of the minimum versus about 10% of the British And in possible scenarios between now and 15 days: “At the moment, the data tells us that the delta variant is entry into Italy, which is not yet prevalent and we are outbreaks in different areas but have been controlled, with a low rate that allows us to trace. We are basically running alongside the virus but we should expect it. You have to be very careful watching.”

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