Friday, July 26, 2024

SSC Napoli, setting a new friendly match before Inter: the opponent


The last friendly match for Napoli will take place at the end of December, for the Azzurri, led by Luciano Spalletti: testing the opponents

The latest news from SSC NapoliThere will still be one last test for men Luciano Spallettibefore processingInter. The choice was made in light of the Azzurri’s preparations after the Christmas break, which will resume on the 27th. And it will continue until the date Inter Napoli on January 4, 2023.

Napoli test, last friendly match before Inter

That’s why after defeats with Villarreal And the nightthe Naples He will have another friendly, one last test, before the championship game against Inter: he reveals Mars Radiowho announced the match against him fountain.

Friendly match between Napoli and Primavera: the date

The exact date for the friendly match against Spring SSC Naples It is not final yet, but the exam will take place at the end of December. Fifth and last friendly, therefore, after those who have AntalyasporAnd the Crystal PalaceAnd the Villarreal And the night. The match against Al-Shabab, by training Wolves whip It will certainly be a useful test for parade veterans at the World Championships in Qatar as well Rahmani. In addition to Kosovo, in fact, there will be the possibility of seeing the five national teams on the field again: KimAnd the LozanoAnd the ZelenskyAnd the Anguissa And the Oliveira.

Napoli in a friendly match


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