Friday, July 26, 2024

Romina Bauer, unfortunately, did not arrive: the message full of regret


Romina Power is still to this day an artist much loved by the general public. The Italians are literally crazy about her and they are even more so since she announced, during a TV interview, that she has returned to live in Puglia, where her ex-husband, Albano Carisi, still lives today, with whom she is today. Good relations and began to cooperate again. But now the cold shower comes to the fans…

The artist recently left a message, certainly full of sadness, to his followers, on social. Unfortunately, it didn’t work… But what happened? Fact story…

Romina Bauer and her message are full of resentment YouBee

Romina Power She is – without a doubt – even today one of the most revered and loved Italians’ daydreaming artists when she was announced two years ago. Technical meeting with Albano, her ex-husband, who wished for flashbacks that never happened. The two are on good terms today and They love each other very much.

Yes, they still love each other but their love has changed and today they love each other like two brothers, so much so that the singer from Celino San Marco specified this in the context of an interview like sister. But even so, it seems that Loredana Lecheso, for years the artist’s partner, who brought with her two children into the world who became adults, is still very jealous. it seems that changed it The hatred of his half towards his ex-wife increased when she decided to return to live in her ApuliaThe land he holds in his heart.

Returned to Puglia

Apparently the news that Romina gave during a guesthouse recently very right, hosted by the wonderful Silvia Tovanen, made her fans very happy, including those who lived in the first hour, who now know that their favorite artist has somehow returned “home”. This allows her to be closer to her daughter Romina Jr., today a real star Today is another dayAnd to the beloved son yari With whom she has a special relationship and often also appeared on social media, although – in fact – a very shy person and does not like to appear much, but for Romina’s mother he did – as they say – “an exception to the rule”.

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The ad that broke the hearts of the masses

Women are fairly active on social media, particularly on Instagram, where he personally manages his personal profile which – as is also normal – can also count on a very large number of “followers”. Here, when his schedule allows, he likes to keep a constant thread with his fans, not only sending compliments but also posting cool pics. But now the message he wants to deliver to them, through video Very detailed, it doesn’t have a very flashy theme, quite the opposite! So they were shocked and their hearts broken…

Romina and her disturbing message
Romina Power and the video that breaks the hearts of Youbee fans

Unfortunately, the artist had to reveal that due to some health issues that would soon be resolved, he would not have been able to attend an upcoming event he was desperately waiting for in Lecce. Next to her is the therapist who explained it to her It’s about walking problemsWhich – as we know – has been worrying women for some time. Not for nothing one user commented: “Dear, This situation really gets on your nervesWe just have to wish the wonderful Romina a speedy recovery!


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