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“Resolving the Crucial Issues of Avula’s Birth Point”.  Question addressed to the Minister of Health, Schillaci, following the article on the website

“Resolving the Crucial Issues of Avula’s Birth Point”. Question addressed to the Minister of Health, Schillaci, following the article on the website

The issue raised by regarding the absence of the Emergency Neonatal Transport (STEN) service at the Giuseppe Di Maria Hospital in Avola, reported by a group of doctors, ends up on the table of the Ministry of Health, Orazio Schillaci and the department of the Sicilian health expert, Giovanna Volo. . The Democratic Party asked Senator Antonio Niceta for clarification. […]

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The case brought by Regarding the absence of the National Emergency Neonatal Transport (STEN) serviceGiuseppe Di Maria Hospital in Avolawhich was denounced by a group of doctors, and ended up on the table of the Ministry of Health, Orazio Schillaci The Sicilian Ministry of Health, Giovanna Volo. He was the one who asked for clarification Democratic Partywith senators Antonio Nicita, Anamaria Forlan and Enza Randowho submitted a question on October 10 to Minister Schillaci, posited that “from the recommendations of the Neonatal Transport Study Group of the Italian Society of Neonatology for 2021, the updated December 2020 list of STEN networks operating in Italy includes Sicily which is characterized by an endowment of four centers.” STEN-equipped maternity, of which there is no hospital in Syracuse County.”

Guaranteeing the right to health – “Avola Hospital Facility He does not have intensive care – Write to the senators – He is therefore obliged to obtain the STEN service, as was denounced in a letter signed by several hospital doctors and sent to the regional competent health company. “And in the letter as reported by the website “” – we read in the question – Doctors point out that there is no emergency transport service for newborns “It would expose newborns to significant risk and force doctors on duty to carry out procedures that are not within their competence, such as transferring a newborn to neonatal intensive care units (NICU),” with the risk of causing “medical and legal repercussions.” “Very dangerous if adverse events occur.” So the Democratic senators are demanding to know from the secretary whether… “Aware of the facts.” “What are the initiatives it intends to adopt, within the scope of its jurisdiction?” To resolve critical uncovered issues“, in order to “ensure full protection of the fundamental right to health stipulated in Article 32 of the Constitution and safe implementation of procedures by medical personnel.”

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Inspection request – A few days ago, the Democratic Party group was present at the Sicilian Regional Assembly, and the MP was the first to sign Tiziano Spadato submit a question to Counselor Fulu, in order to “Inspection at the birth point in Avola to check minimum safety requirementsThe regional deputies asked the Chancellor “if she does not think it necessary to clarify what appeared in the press by arranging an inspection at the ASP in Syracuse in order to ensure compliance with minimum safety standards with particular reference to compliance with STEN procedures.”