Friday, July 26, 2024

NASA, record discovery: 5,000 alien planets were found in a 30-year search


NASA has reached a historic milestone, the discovery of 5,000 different planets outside our solar system. in 30 years US space agencythe most famous in the world, highlighted a whole series of worlds confirmed by scientific publications and various observations.

NASA, 23/3/2022 –

The journey into space that took place only thirty years ago was 1992with the discovery of the first three squawks around a neutron star that rotates very quickly on itself and emits flashes of electromagnetic radiation, called a pulsar.

NASA, discovery record: 5,000 planets in 30 years. comments

last 65 planets, That made it possible to reach this historic feat, was instead discovered on March 21, 2022, exactly 48 hours earlier. Discover 5,000 planets with an average of about 166 every year A little over ten months ago, and among these are small rocky planets like Earth, but there are also gas giants much larger than Jupiter, or super-Earths, miniature Neptune and “hot Jupiters”, which orbit near their star. There are also, Ansa recalls, planets that orbit two stars, or alternatively remain near the now-dead remnants of the Sun. Alexander Wolszczan, The first author of the study published on the planets, which announced the discovery of the first exoplanets 30 years ago, commented: “In my opinion, it is inevitable that sooner or later we will find life somewhere, most likely of the primitive kind. It is only a matter of time.” Jesse Christiansen, And it’s not just a number, each of the 5,000 exoplanets that have been discovered is a new world, a whole new planet. I’m excited for everyone. Because we don’t know anything about them.”

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The space agency remembers The first planet discovered: “It was a type of neutron star known as a pulsar, a rapidly rotating stellar body pulsing with millisecond bursts of blazing radiation. Measuring subtle changes in the timing of the pulsars allowed scientists to detect planets orbiting the pulsar.” Then Alexander Wolchchan adds: “Finding only three planets around this rotating star has fundamentally opened the doors. If you can find planets around a neutron star, the planets should be practically everywhere, and the planet-making process has to be very powerful.” . So Wolszczan concluded: “In my opinion, it is inevitable that we will find some kind of life somewhere” in the universe and “most likely some kind of primitive life. The close connection between the chemistry of life on Earth and the chemistry found throughout the universe, as well as the discovery of organic molecules indicate the widespread, that the discovery of life “outside our planet” is only a matter of time.


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