Friday, July 26, 2024

“More expensive” birthday, with increasingly stronger “layers”. Weak social care, schools and healthcare remain torn apart


lychee – It's a more expensive Christmas than previous ones, but fortunately fuel and energy prices are starting to come down again. Let's start with the good news: in the next few months we can Spend less on shopping. Maybe we've reached the peak and the decline begins, like the flu, but in the meantime we're forced to pay more for everything. the Prices rose dramatically In each sector within three years. Salaries are stagnant Excluding mayors throughout Italy (almost doubled), directors of public departments and top management of public companies. University President's attemptUniversity of Lecce To increase the compensation of board members (from 25 thousand to 121 thousand euros), based on the Prime Minister's Decree of 2022. Nothing against that, especially for mayors who carry out a very difficult and risky job, But when will the inflation adjustments for teachers' salaries, temporary workers and poor pensions arrive? For the latter, the same phrase always works: “There is no money.”

The impression is that different.”Class Those who inhabit the country and rule it They devote all their energies to ensuring that their interests are put first. This explains why, despite decade-long chatter, No one resubmitted preferences in political elections. The class in Parliament knows how to protect itself from out-of-control voting, and has left everything in the hands of the party secretaries. So we find ourselves in Montecitorio and the palace of Madama, the lover of so-and-so, the influential friend who was chosen in an area where no one knows him, The rich man who “bought” a position on the banned lists in defense of his economic interests. Italians are “deceived” perhaps also out of their ignorance, as happened when Everyone rushed to vote for a reduction in the number of parliamentarians only to discover that this demagogic fraud concealed a consequence: strengthening of party secretariats and an increasingly restricted sect. (Of course, few decide our fate) which It removed any outliers, but ensured the same amount of resources as it had before. Now there are fewer of them to share the spoils. You got it right: the money spent is the same, despite the cuts. Every parliamentarian, member of the European Parliament and regional councillor They can rely on the group's funds to employ friends and relatives and invest in communications. No real discounts. The annual budget of $30.8 million for parliamentary groups remained unchanged.

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The political class is unusual in the game of three cards and an illusion. Example? A sensational news case breaks out and a new criminal law goes into effect Which does not really guarantee speedy justice, adequate prisons, enforced punishments, and much more. The classes protected themselves and conducted business in Rome. The precarious workforce has been a failure that has impoverished the country, but it continues to create precarious employment in the public sector as wellThey deal with endless education and speculation in every field. It goes without saying that there are many honest politicians, certainly a majority, but at the moment they do not seem to have built a fairer country. The school is in trouble: despite promises, we still have chicken-keeping classes, too many inadequate structures, full-time work not guaranteed for all working mothers, fallen trees, dilapidated fixtures, and even toilet paper is not available in primary schools. the Working mothers They are still forced to choose between work or profession and an increasingly weak social welfare system due to insufficient resources. There is never money for those who really need it. We invest resources to make parliamentarians travel for free, so there is not a single euro to guarantee discounted prices for thousands of passengers and workers who travel thousands of kilometers from the south. To go to work in the far north and guarantee a future that the south does not guarantee.

Now, the PNRR is manna from heaven for everything: money borrowed from Europe to restart an economy slaughtered by Covid and wars. But are we sure we are spending it well? One day, we'll have to pay it all back and we'll need to invest in things that will pay off next. Instead, normal administrative work is carried out with European funding, such as resurfacing roads, or even information points in unexpected places, where fewer tourists pass by. We hope that all this amount of resources will not be wasted on useless projects. Someone highlights the problem of hospices, which were created to promote local medicine, but are often incomplete throughout Italy: sometimes they do not have staff, and if you turn to many of these facilities to avoid the hospital, you may find that having a visit Or the test is too difficult.

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After decades of cuts, we are reinventing a health care system without doctors in key positions. In 1996, we introduced a ridiculous medical entrance test, and now we hire graduate doctors in Bosnia, Cuba and Romania, who graduated without an entrance test. Don't you think it's a paradox? Some time ago, the newspaper Corriere della Sera had some luminaries take some medical entrance exams (the hyenas had done it too recently): it turned out they wouldn't have passed. We do not need “professionals” in our healthcare field, we simply need doctors who specialize in what they do. But how can you make a significant profit from those who take courses, write books and earn pocket money with entrance tests? How do you take money out of training classes by eliminating paid training credits, specialty courses, competition prep books, and a lot of other spoils taken from the pockets of precarious workers dreaming of a secure job? Complicating matters always benefits those at the top. When something goes wrong, it often turns out that there is an interest group to gain a lot from it.

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