Friday, July 26, 2024

‘Let’s go Brandon’, the new cryptic slogan for sending Joe Biden to that country


WASHINGTON – “Let’s go, Brandon!”.

Within weeks, that logo had spread like wildfire across the United States, appearing on banners, banners, hats, and T-shirts. compliment someone? By no means, the primary meaning of this phrase is “F**k You Biden” (a phrase addressed to the current President of the United States, which needs no translation).

The iconic, albeit cliched, phrase has blossomed in a short time in a country that is increasingly polarizing between Democrats and Republicans, a very heated struggle with increasingly colorful undertones, more than a year after Biden’s election. As reported by Agence France-Presse, it also reflects a collapse in popularity – as polls show – for the current US president.

As Fox News has made clear, Afghanistan’s withdrawal, the status of the southern border, the management of the pandemic, and ongoing discussions regarding school boards are especially critical. These are attitudes that have led to widespread debate, and which may have increased the number of people opposed to the Biden administration.

Logo Origin
How was this logo born? It all started after an NBC interview with 28-year-old driver Brandon Brown, who won a race at NASCAR in Alabama. As the young man was answering the questions, the chorus of “F**k You Biden!” from the stands. At that moment, the interviewer instead recalled how people were cheering for Brown: “You can hear the crowd singing ‘Let’s Go Brandon!'” “”.

An error quickly spread, and the slogan quickly turned into a phrase to slander Joe Biden in a different and “vague” way, without having to resort to insults or outright insults.

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From the stadium to the government
And soon the verdict reached the Capitol, where some Republican politicians used the well-known slogan, infuriating Democrats. Among them was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a notorious Trumpist, who spoke of the “Brandon administration.” Not only that: Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted the phrase, Texas Senator Ted Cruz put up a banner with the logo, and Representative Jeff Duncan went even further, donning a mask with the logo depicted during a session.

T-shirts, flags, and hats were very popular among Republicans. Various sizes and colors, often with the American flag as the background. An American rapper even made a song about him, which quickly went viral on both TikTok and iTunes.

However, some institutions view this phenomenon with concern. These include the universities, but also the stadiums and particularly the tracks of the NASCAR circuit. On Friday, NASCAR President Steve Phelps warned USA Today that his organization would no longer tolerate its logo being associated with the motto: “We don’t want to be associated with politics, left or right. As a sport we have great respect for the office of the president — no matter who’s sitting there.”


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