The new service for submitting applications for salary integration allowances offered by FIS comes from INPS. New features simplify procedures and provide guided assistance in assembly. It is available in the reserved area on the institute’s website
Thanks new “INPS SERVICE”Omnia is“Employers will be able to requestSalary integration allowance offered by Islamic Salvation Front (Salary Integration Fund) in a simpler and easier way.
In fact, it provides the only platform for payroll supplements Assembling helper And the simplification from procedures. In this way, users will be guided in determining the correct SSN to order.
By choosing Tax ID code Or the student Company, you will be automatically directed to the type Social safety net It can be requested based on the classification generated from the institute’s databases.
The service joins the already active service of Sijo At the moment it will only be available for use by a limited audience of users. It will then be available to all interested parties.
Wage Integration Allowance: The new INPS application procedure
to’INPS With the Message number 3422published on the website on September 29, 2023, announces the launch of the new service for viewing to request toSalary integration allowance offered by Islamic Salvation Front.
Grandma comes into range project “Omnia is“that is platform Unique Salary supplementsIt was implemented in implementation of the PNRR’s objectives of digitizing and simplifying public administration procedures.
As stated in the letter, the new way of managing payroll integration benefits makes it possible to overcome the difficulties that employers face in determining… Appropriate social safety netsto be requested based on your company’s rating, as well as related issues Compilation And tosend from Requests.
As specified in INPS letter dated 26 JunePlatform Omnia is Employers and intermediaries are already allowed to submit a request for regular salary integration (Sijo).
With the letter of September 29, the institute announces the release Procedure Also regardingChecks offered by Wage Integration Fund.
the new Procedure Submitting an application has the same characteristics as in SijoNo one is allowed Simplified assembly And strongly With helpand guide the user to reduce the possibility of errors.
In the same way, users who must provide to requestonce selected Tax ID code Or the Company registration numberthey will be automatically directed to the type Social safety net Which can be requested based on the classification generated by the INPS databases.
Salary Integration Allowance Request: What’s new in the OMNIA IS platform
The institute points out that to request to Salary integration allowance It can be offered to both Ordinary reasons Who to those rare. Regarding the latter, the dimension requirement applies 15 employees In the previous semester.
there performance Which employers may request are highlighted as “Proposal“, in the event that it is compatible with the company’s framework, and as”not suitable” if not.
“However, you can always continue to order, even if the service is not ‘suggested’; In this case, the same performance will subsequently be subject to evaluation during the preliminary investigation phase.”
system, therefore, Guide User in Compilation Data for each field separately, and provide informational messages or alerts in order to avoid errors and omissions. From the section “Your questions“You can check it out Processing status For requests already submitted and to view their details.
the others Careers Of service are listed below:
- It allows you to identify the beneficiary workers responsible for the production unit covered by the application, selecting them directly in the appropriate section where the relevant tax codes taken from UNIEMENS flows appear;
- For questions regarding normal causes, it is possible to fill out the technical report directly within the order;
- Economic and financial indicators broken down by individual quarters can be aggregated, as an alternative to the traditional method of presenting entire years;
- To facilitate the dematerialization of attachments, data can be aggregated to calculate the liquidity index directly in the application;
- It is possible to declare in the application, if necessary, that the trade union information procedure has been fulfilled, without prejudice to the obligation to preserve the relevant supporting documents.
As he confirmedINPSIn this first phase, the new service will only be usable by a limited audience Users. A later message will be sent when the action becomes available.
- INPS – message number. 3422 dated September 29, 2023
- “OMNIA IS” project. Launching the new service to apply for the salary integration allowance provided by the Salary Integration Fund (FIS)
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