Friday, July 26, 2024

+Europa says “yes” to the EU list with Renzi



National Assembly +Europe The motion to move the list forward was approved by a large majority United Nations of Europe In view European elections Next June 8 and 9. Read it on Party X's account. “It is very important to have elected representatives in the next European Parliament, pro-European and federalists, who really fight for the United States of Europe. Now we have to move quickly. Our plan for the next European elections is an open one, as underlined by the motion voted by the Assembly: +Europe liberal -No interlocutor has been selected and chosen to the detriment of others in the democratic area. Continues to expect a pragmatic and united spirit on the part of all political forces that recognize themselves in the United Nations project of Europe”.

“But we can't— Concludes the post – No more wasting time or letting others waste our time. It would endanger a more important political project than any veto has ever held.”

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