Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Autostrade, finally it happened: from November 15th you won’t be able to drive if you don’t | They fine you so hard


Keeping up with the rules to follow on the highway can avoid unpleasant inconveniences, or worse, while driving, and can also save you from heavy fines. In particular, if you do not implement the situation required by the specified regulatory framework, starting from November 15, you will not be able to travel on the highway with complete peace of mind.

That’s because you’re risking one Punishment, also noticeable. If you do not, in fact, the file ban is just that circular. And unlike a similar ban, the sentence was never reduced, regardless of the ban in this case. From November 15 to April 15in fact, you will have to pay close attention, and equip yourself with equipment Suitable, without which transit is prohibited.

Let’s make sure we are in a position to rotate – solomotori.it

What are we talking about? subordinate change tires winter. During the mentioned period, it will not be possible to navigate the highway, and not only, without suitable tires. And it is good for every motorist to keep in mind the rule, which is not newly introduced, and which has also been applied in past years, to be exact since 2013. It was introduced with routing subordinate Ministry infrastructure and Transportation. The rationale lies in safety Additional becomes necessary in this period, without taking into account the specific weather conditions that may vary from day to day, but of a global scale.

This, among other things, can be extended until May 15, thanks to the no-obligation month already introduced by the Ministry itself in 2014. The term opt-out It deals not only with a month of deferment in the application, but also one month in advance. So this ruling can be applied as early as October. But what types of tires are specifically suitable for the car? What are the fines for non-compliance? Let’s see everything in more detail.

See also  Terms and instructions from the Revenue Agency

tires to buy

An example of winter tires installed on a car – solomotori.it

they are marked with the The initials M and S., which stands for, respectively, the English terms mud and snow, that is, mud and snow. It’s actually designed for use on surfaces covered in this way. The MarkerSpecifically, it can be found in the following distractions: M+S, MS, M/S, MS, M&S. It is ideal for wet, wet, snowy, muddy, and low temperature asphalt.

there More They offer it while driving no can be achieved of standard tires In the same circumstances, the aspect should not be overlooked. Then there is an important alternative: Frames for all seasons. These are exactly the so-called “all-season” tires, or their Italian equivalent in the Italian “4-season”, which can also be ordered at any point of sale of auto parts.


Penalties go From 41 to 168 euros on the roads urban centerAnd the From 84 to 355 euros in case if Streets Suburbs and highways. It should also be noted that I stopped subordinate trolley until certification. Also, in case relapseIs performed Reducing From three points of the driver’s licence.


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