Friday, July 26, 2024

Anna Munafi and the message on Instagram: “I have increased 28 kilos and will not hide them.”


Since he participated in men and women Much water passed under the bridges: from the time of the famous throne of history, Maria de Felipe shows life Anna benefits It has changed a lot. After trying tronista, the young woman shied away from the small screen, but the most loyal fans continue to follow her on Instagram, where she shares the most intense moments of her daily life.

Actually former Miss Italy Today she is a mother and an entrepreneurAfter he was in Rome and attended the School of Theater and Film, He returned to Milazzo, His hometown, helps his parents in the family’s furniture factory. After her last love story she met Giuseppe, whom she married on January 31, 2019 and June 2020 She became the mother of little Michael.

Unforgettable moments, she always shared with her on her social accounts, where fans still follow her passionately, despite her being away from TV screens for years. However, Anna wanted to use her Instagram profile to send a message to everyone who follows her.

An explosion that delivers as subtle as a current topic, which often ignites discussions on and off social networks. former tronista men and women She recounted an unpleasant incident that happened to her on the beach. Commenting on the photo taken at sea, Anna wrote:

Yesterday I went out after a long time … I do not deny that the eyes of those who look at you and think “Look how fat I have become” heard them.

Receive attention For the pounds that someone called “a lot” They clearly put her in a difficult position, and so she wanted to put on paper the emotions that she had felt while walking. But at the same time it launched an awareness and awareness message on an important topic, which is self-acceptance:

Yes, I have 28 kg more, it can be seen and I do not hide itBecause I’m not hiding the fact that I momentarily felt embarrassed about those who relayed this idea to me yesterday. We are really beautiful no matter how beautiful!

Anna Manaf, the blog post on Instagram


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