Friday, July 26, 2024

A “dramatic” evening for Formigli doing “Sclera” at La Russa. And Cottarelli reveals: “Gelato il Pd …” (Video)


“Of all possible names, Ignazio Maria Benito La Russa ranked second in the country? It is interesting to see the baton being passed from Sacre to someone who keeps the relics of the Duce at home”. Corrado FormicelliLast night, ghost eyes and green face, he dedicated A full episode of “The Kafkaesque Trial.” For the newly elected Senate, the acquaintance, Fr.clean square, With this sentence: “Today is a dramatic day…”. Dramatic, as it were. But he did not mention the majority and opposition splits, which later became clear: dramatic for himAs for Lily Gruber, La Russa showed signs of hysteria by commenting negatively on the gesture of white roses Liliana gave to Sacre.

Formicelli angrily greens La Russa in the Senate

Exchange, of sorts The Tafasian funeral procession was unleashed on fascism with a little left frenzyHowever, buoyed by the honest Carlo Cottarelli, he is a formidable television animal who pierces the screen because of his honesty. Man CHe had predicted his own defeat against Santange, spoiling Farmigli’s Bulgarian performance a bit by telling the background of last night’s voting at the Palazzo Madama and the freezing rain in the PD group. Happiness, there was a good atmosphere to observe the difficulties of the election of La Russa, but at a certain point the applause came from the FDI group, he was elected, I must admit that we were disappointed in the PD group, it is a big disappointment… “, said the former man of the accounts of Mario Monti. A dramatic evening for Formigli, no doubt.

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