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Venus after Mars, NASA's new mission in the space race - Chronicle

Venus after Mars, NASA’s new mission in the space race – Chronicle

After the conquest of Mars, two new NASA missions, Veritas and Da Vinci+, will sail to Venus between 2028 and 2030 to study the planet’s atmosphere and internal functioning, checking whether it is still geologically active and whether it once had an ocean. This was announced by Bill Nelson, NASA’s chief administrator. The two missions will be designed to withstand Venus’ extreme temperatures and high atmospheric pressure, which is responsible for the infernal greenhouse effect.

For NASA, the study of Venus will provide new data on the evolution of the Earth, as well as help researchers better understand the composition and properties of rocky planets orbiting other stars. Italy also takes part in the VERITAS mission, thanks to the partnership between the Italian Space Agency and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which assigned our country the responsibility to develop and build three instruments on board: among them the Hga antenna, instruments useful for ensuring communications, conducting radio science experiments and studying the morphology of the planet.

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