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These are the three steps to avoiding it.

These are the three steps to avoiding it.

If yesterday was the lowest number of casualties since October 14th, today we are already looking at how to avoid a fourth wave and a new wave. A complete lockout. Talk about it is Guido my head, Former Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency Mother, L stepped in Agora On the Rai3. The Coronavirus Emergency Commissioner explains that it is seasonal Coronavirus disease-19 He does not convince him, but during the summer “you live more in the open air and usually come out of lockdown, and thus the spread of the virus decreases.” So at this moment “we must very seriously prepare for the month of October”.

The expert’s proposed three moves are:

1) Track all cases.

2) Sequence virus To monitor its variables;

3) Immunology examination to plan a third dose of Serum.

If “the first pillar of the strategy is to secure the vulnerable – as recalls a microbiologist at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, and Scientific Director of the Provider of Continuing Education in Medicine Sanità In-Formazione, the Consulcesi Group – then the second pillar is the district of circulation” of Sars-CoV-2 “In those who are the great champions of the movement”, children and youth “from 12 to 30 years old, by being vaccinated on a large scale now.”

Then it is necessary to “maintain the correct behavior” and there are “two other very basic aspects”: Now that the infection has returned to about 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, “The tracing can be resumed. For the few cases, because the variables are intercepted there, and a minimum number of vaccines must be done to know who is immune and who is not, and whether this famous third of the “vaccine” dose should be done and when. “Now we have learned that: at this stage the tracking is done, and it is done.” Conduct the sequences on the tracking and the future strategy is determined on the sequences. “

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Last update: 10:15

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