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Next week, Italy in a dangerous cycle of rain, thunderstorms and snow.  Updates

Next week, Italy in a dangerous cycle of rain, thunderstorms and snow. Updates

Bad weather next week with fresh risk of Tyrrhenian cyclone

Bad weather has returned to our country, as if Black Friday was not enough, a very unstable weekend awaits us, and the next week also does not promise anything good: according to the latest update there is a risk of severe bad weather ' that will end in a dangerous vortex of rain, storms and snow in Italy.

from already Monday, February 26 A new whirlwind will arrive can have particularly significant consequences NordIn Tuscany Then downwards Sardinia, Umbria e Lazio.
But it ends because in addition to the rain, another good dusting of snow is expected in the Alps and Apennines, while the central Adriatic regions will have to face more intermittent rain. Although the sky will not be clear, only the south will be spared from heavy rain.
Apart from the rain, it's also cold? No, temperature does not undergo large variations except for physiological drops caused by rainfall.
Tuesday, February 27 The tune won't change much: the vortex will indeed follow us, causing heavy rain in the mid-north, while we can see the sun in the south, where the weather will be completely spring-like.
If you think it's over, you're sorely mistaken: From Wednesday 28 February Cyclonic vortex will deepen It places its driving center between Sardinia and the Tyrrhenian Sea. All this results in very unstable weather, with the risk of rain almost everywhere and constant snowfall in the mountains.
If the predictions are confirmed This cyclonic vortex will remain active throughout the weekKeeping Italy in the grip of weather instability from north to south.

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In short, if you have outside plans, it might be time to think about a plan B. Prepare umbrellas, boots and good pictures to watch on the sofa, it looks like we're in for a stormy week.