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European elections, no change from Tajani: never coalition with Afd and Le Pen

European elections, no change from Tajani: never coalition with Afd and Le Pen

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani, guest of Morning News on Canale 5, returned to issues related to the European elections. : “Europe is different from Italy, where there are political families that bring together many parties from different countries. We are part of the European People’s Party family that Silvio Berlusconi loved so much. The European People’s Party will never ally with anti-European parties. In Germany, the Alternative Fur Deutschland and Marine Le “How do you govern Europe with two parties Ben. Two pragmatic anti-NATO parties with less ties to the US and more intent on supporting Russia? They don’t believe in Europe, how can you get a majority with them?”.

Also read: European elections, Tajani closes door on deal with Le Pen Salvini: I don’t accept vetoes

Tajani, the coordinator of Forza Italia, tried to calm the tone with Carroccio: “Salvini is different, the League is in our coalition in Italy and we are ready to form a coalition with the League in Europe, but the only real possibility is that only a coalition formed by the European People’s Party, conservatives and liberals can defeat the left in Europe. . Did this coalition ever come? Yes, it happened in 2017, when I was elected President of the European Parliament, defeating a candidate from the left. This – explained the owner of Farnesina – is the only coalition that governs Europe in an alternating system of left on one side and center-right on the other. The League could very well participate in this coalition, but Le Pen can’t and Alt-Fur Deutschland can’t because nobody wants them, it’s true, it’s not a choice, it’s not a personal choice, nobody wants them because they’re anti-European and it would be stupid to put someone in charge of Europe who wants to destroy Europe.

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Also read: Salvini pushes for coalition in Europe: “We win with a united centre-right”