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Journey to the edge of space with cosmologists at the Scuola Normale of Pisa

Journey to the edge of space with cosmologists at the Scuola Normale of Pisa

Members Team Cosmologi Group, And is about to embark on a journey into space 13 billion light-years away. The goal of the project, which will last for at least two years, is Collecting information and data on the Big Bang And on the passage from the Primal Chaos to the universe system. Until now, with telescopes available to scientists, it was not possible to conduct such a thorough investigation at the edge of the universe.

Achieve this trip to space with cosmologists in Pisa Regular School It would be possible with the use of telescope James Webb Space Telescope, A revolutionary tool that will allow to obtain important data on the early evolution of galaxies. The telescope, which is capable of recording high-resolution images, will be launched into solar orbit on October 31 from French Guiana. The launch will take place thanks to the cooperation of the United States (NASA) and European space agencies (Which – which), Who jointly decided to promote this research.

The project involving the use of the super telescope was developed by the 33-year-old man Stefano CarnianiScholar at the Scuola Normale di Pisa and a member of a group of cosmologists coordinated by Professor Andrea Ferrara.

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