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From Corciano to space, a piece of Tocia at the Eutelsat satellite.  Andrea Bellera, aerospace engineer responsible for the propulsion system

From Corciano to space, a piece of Tocia at the Eutelsat satellite. Andrea Bellera, aerospace engineer responsible for the propulsion system

Your Excellency Tuscia in orbit. And yes, because Andrea Peleira de Corciano’s childhood dream came true.

He is responsible for the propulsion system of the Eutelsat Konnect VhtsS satellite, the largest ever in Europe, which was launched into space. A story that began at the age of eight, when he was already aspiring to become a technical professional in the field of satellites.

He grew up on the streets of the small village of Viterbo, with great humility and motivation that has always distinguished him. The school’s excellent career, which began at the scientific secondary school Issis Colasanti in Civita Castellana, continued with a three-year degree in Aeronautical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and Astronautics from the University of Rome La Sapienza.

After a period of working in Turin, few opportunities for professional growth in Italy led Andrea to move to England, to his current company Thales Alenia Space. “Continuous personal and professional development has accompanied me in the past six years at Oxford, where I have had the opportunity to grow as an electrical propulsion engineer until today,” he said. Thus he became a leader for the development of propulsion skills, and a manager of a team of 8 people.

Two years ago, he was assigned the role of head of the payment system for Konnect Vhts, a satellite that will provide high-speed Internet access across Europe, particularly in remote areas with low coverage. “It was a stimulating challenge he points out – which allowed me to develop a strong network of networks in France, at the headquarters of Thales Alenia Space, where part of the satellite was built. During my 24 month journey, I acquired a new language, which is French, and a lot of technical skills programmatic and personal.” Today Eutelsat Konnect Vhts is in space and he has perfectly brought into orbit, as well as Andrea, the people he has in his heart and whom he has met all his life.

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In short, a piece of Tuscia in the European Eutelsat Konnect Vhts satellite, will provide high-speed Internet access everywhere in Europe