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President Kurs of Austria and the distribution of vaccines

S.Ebastian Kurz presented himself as the winner on Thursday evening after a video summit of EU heads of state and government. “I am happy, relaxed and satisfied,” the Austrian president said after the talks. He “worked actively to provide vaccines in the European Union”. It was also decided for the second quarter.

Werner Musler

Angela Merkel evaluated the result differently. The EU ambassadors, who now have to deal with the vaccine supply, “face the square of the circle,” the chancellor said. One thing is for sure: the controversy started by Kursal over the partial redistribution of the vaccine I Not resolved at the summit.

Two sentences were added to the final announcement of the summit. With the prime ministers of Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Latvia calling it quits, nothing was mentioned about the “compensation mechanism”. It explicitly states: “We make sure that the vaccines are allocated proportionally to the population.” At the same time, heads of state and government are asking their EU ambassadors how quickly 10 million Vaccines The manufacturer’s Pfizer-Biotech second-quarter may be assigned to “run in unison.”

Three reasons for his determination

Kurz gave three reasons for his commitment Friday. First, if all EU countries can vaccinate their citizens to the same extent in the summer it is an important indication in terms of European policy. Second, most of the particularly affected states are more or less close to Austria. Briefly Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Slovakia; And Bulgaria in a broader sense. It is in Europe’s interest that the epidemic not continue to rage in those countries during the summer. Third, Kurs said in Vienna, it would certainly be better if Austria benefited from redistribution.

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