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Summer 2022, there is some interesting news. Map reveals the July-August premiere »

Weather: Summer 2022, there’s some interesting news. Map reveals first show for July and August

First predictions for next summerSummer is fast approaching, and thanks to the first heat coming to Italy, many are asking us what kind of season awaits us in the coming months; Sarah really hot As many already say?

In order to track the trend of next summer, we must rely on the so-called Long-Term Climate Outlook (Months of June, July and August): Seasonal forecasts once became decidedly unreliable and were merely a subject of study and intriguing to the curious and the emotional. A valid tool for scientific forecasting, with critical contributions to long-term climate assessment. In Europe, the leader in this sector is the European Center for Medium-Term Forecasting, ECMWFfrom Reading (UK).

Well, many sites and major meteorological information bodies are starting to risk a trend toward extreme heat in the light of next summer with anomalies at the continental level.

But let’s try to understand what is true and above all what we already know, thanks to the latest seasonal data just released. Our analysis starts from the most important aspect during the summer, which is the aspect related to it Temperatures , Widely presented Above average climatic (up to + 2/3 ° C) already exists early June. For now, the following months of July and August are likely to follow this trend; There is a map (we suggest below) that reveals, in this regard, the July-August forecast: the thermal anomaly over the entirety of central and southern Europe, including Italy, is probably due to a larger than infamous interference African cyclone.
Until a few years ago, the slightest high pressure in the Azores (of oceanic origin) dictated the law to the ancient continent. But recently we are witnessing an increasing presence of air masses from North Africa, which is responsible for this Stronger and more stable heat waves Also in Italy.

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The second aspect to be monitored, especially after the last few months that were dry in most areas, relates to Rainfall. And in this case too, our forecasts for the next few months come to our aid; Well, the water scarcity problem seems to be getting worse with
plyometric deficit Especially in the north, because of the potential stability of a high pressure field with its consequent risks droughtwhere we’ve already had the opportunity to experiment in recent months.
We will see if these first long-term trends are confirmed and what impacts are expected for our country.

First offers for next summer.  Temperatures above average climateFirst offers for next summer. Temperatures above average climatePrecipitation is below average climate, risk of droughtPrecipitation is below average climate, risk of drought