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Big patch 1.04 is available, fixes several issues -

Big patch 1.04 is available, fixes several issues –

GTA Trilogy: Ultimate Edition He finally got his own patch 1.04made available by Rockstar Games in the last few hours of February 28, 2022 and aimed at Fix many problems Featured from the launch of the collection – in fact very difficult – on all platforms.

You can find the official changelog at this is the addressAnd, as you can see, it is so rich in elements that it is difficult to report it here in a complete way. However, we can distinguish between main news By this new major update, in this case those related to the general plan:

  • Improved performance on all platforms and added graphics modes
  • improved stability
  • Fixed several issues when trying to retry a mission from the last checkpoint
  • Several collision issues have been fixed
  • Various textures and banner issues fixed

Many are added to these Improvements and fixes It was applied to the individual games that make up the group, creating an update that would give new life to a group that was somewhat disappointing when it launched.

However, despite the problems, GTA Trilogy managed to reach sales of 10 million copies, which shows how the flaws were quietly overlooked by the audience. In any case, Rockstar Games has confirmed that the following games will not have technical problems.

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