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The end of this wonderful show, now there is a date for the revival! Latest news »


Weather: The end of this hot weather, and now there is a date for a rebound! latest news

Hot End: Now there’s a dateBut is there an end to this oppressive heat or not? A new African flame engulfs Italy due to the presence of a strong anti-cyclone bulge in the south of the Sahara desert, and it is expected to further fuel the central regions of the south and the two main islands, starting next week.

In fact, these extraordinary weather conditions have been going on for at least two weeks now with temperatures well above the climatic averages with peaks reaching over 46°C: in short, the climate is really exaggerated and many of you are asking: When will you finish?
There are important changes in this sense between the end of July and the beginning of August. This is the most important news that emerges from the latest updates: The cause may be a new incursion coming from Northern Europe that is capable of causing Thunderstorm break On part of our country.

If we analyze the general holistic picture of the ancient continent, we can notice how at higher latitudes, approximately between Greenland and Iceland, there Large areas of low pressure (cyclones) are filled with Cold and unstable air Of Polar Origin: The hypothesis is that a portion of these new currents could decrease in latitude, effectively forcing the anticyclone to retreat, at least temporarily, toward their homelands.Storm breaks between the end of July and the beginning of AugustStorm breaks between the end of July and the beginning of AugustIt is possible that it will be created on the European chessboard convergence zones Where these important meteorological numbers interact and can arise from their variation extreme weather events (hailstorms, floods, hurricanes), as the latest news sadly also reminds us.

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In accordance with the latest updates, the dates are marked in the column red circle They are those July 30 and the first days of August. In fact, only between the two months could African anticyclone Sharon, with its stifling heat, overtake the retreat, right after strength. My time Expected near the end of this month: the heat may recede, especially when North and part of the centerwhile it is likely to continue to the south.

Attention, given the temporal distance, the prognosis is reserved: it’s just a first direction Which should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, even if it did, he didn’t seem to be able to deal a blow so hard with oppressive heat, for sure Not a final hit.
In fact, it will only be a file breakamong others limited to certain regions.

We will update you.


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