Saturday, July 27, 2024

Terrible summer landing: this is what awaits us


The downward trend is rising and the first half of 2021, in terms ofimmigration, confirm aHeight From Access. Italy now has to deal with the factor of time: Europe can only intervene in October, when the current state of emergency is already over

what happens

it’s a’terrible summer What is Italy going through from the point of view of immigration? abnormal. The landing of migrants along the southern coasts continues unabated and puts the management of the reception service in difficulty. Then Lampedusa especially tormented. In fact, most arrivals of barges and small boats from Africa are concentrated here. Departures from the African continent never stopped during this winter, and now that the climate is more conducive to crossing the Mediterranean, flows are constantly increasing. The record of the last hours also tells us about a shipwreck that led to deaths at sea and dozens missing. Drama within drama. Not to mention the conditions in which the arrivals were forced to live due to the collapse of the first reception point. Indeed, at the Lampedusa facility, aliens are constantly arriving and reaching mind-boggling numbers in a short time. The hotspot is approved for about 250 places and, in some cases, even reaches a height of over a thousand. Not even the time of transferring migrants to quarantine ships that others reach, thereby nullifying hull emptying operations. Meanwhile, we live in precarious conditions. Guests huddle together, rest and eat on outdoor mattresses, and the sweltering temperatures coming from the African heat wave contribute to the food’s malaise.

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European Council resolutions

Because of the current situation, Prime Minister Mario Draghi called for immigration to be included among the points that would be dealt with in the past. European Council. Some clips are dedicated to the topic in . format final document Developed after the meeting on June 25. An interest welcomed by Palazzo Shigi as an important political first step: “Italy can be satisfied with the agreements reached”, said Draghi himself after the meeting, and not by chance. There has been no talk of immigration in Brussels since 2018, hence the cautious optimism offered by Rome. Also because in the final document the Italian government’s line on the so-called external dimension of immigration was adopted. Intervention outside the borders of the European Union to mitigate this phenomenon.

All funded by the countries of origin of the migration routes. If the Italian government has achieved some goals politically, the rhetoric is different from the purely practical appearance. In fact, they were put on the plate eight billion From euro to be allocated to third countries. Of these, a large part is immediately heading to Turkey. Instead, Libya and Africa are projected to be just 2 billion, the two regions most affected by Italy. Not only that: the funds in this case will be allocated only in October. So the question arises spontaneously: In light of autumn, how can our country cope with the current summer emergency?

Political tensions in the middle of summer

The Confusion on speed Action DelEurope They also influenced Italian political debate. Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy, immediately after the designation of the European Council “Not understoodDraghi’s optimism:When renewing the agreement with Erdogan’s Turkey – reads a note – And the allocation of another three billion euros to be paid to Ankara corresponds, in fact, to the complete abolition of the Central Mediterranean front.Fibrillation also affects the majority. The trend in the months of July and August leaves no room for optimism, especially among the League.

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Matteo Salvini returned to ask for a judicial intervention More boycott From the current Home Secretary, Luciana Lamorgese: “I hope the Minister of the Interior will do what France, Spain, Greece, Malta and Slovenia do to defend the law and legality. – Carroccio’s secretary thunder – It is unimaginable that there will be continuous declines in July and August due to economic, social and health problemsThe impression is that time is not playing in Mario Draghi’s favor. The Prime Minister of Europe has put immigration back into the center of the debate, but answers from Brussels will come (probably) in the fall. Meanwhile, in the summer there is a risk of another emergency with serious political consequences. can be expected.

Upward trend for the first half of 2021

Since the entry into force of the new year, it has been clear that the news of the arrival of migrants on Italian soil has been disturbing. The issue of migratory flows remained prevalent throughout the winter season, highlighting this problem. But the hopes of being able to solve it before summer were quickly dashed by events that spoke on the one hand of a constant arrival, and on the other hand, the isolation of Italy in the management of this phenomenon. The data on how migration has reached alarming levels is clear in Ministry of Interior website. In the first half of 2021, we read that they landed in Italy 19,794 foreigners compared to 6,715 in the same period last year. The explanation is quite simple: the trend of irregular migration has grown exponentially. The atavistic problem is getting worse. Although the alarm bell has sounded hard this winter, we have arrived once again unprepared for this emergency. But summer has only just begun, and history teaches us that it is precisely during the summer period that the number of landings reaches alarming proportions. what are you expecting?

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