Friday, September 20, 2024

Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines: The second dose might slip off. Cts: “call in 42 days”


Axis vaccine (ANSA)

Rome, May 5, 2021 – extension in the administration of the second dose of Pfizer-BioNtech Vaccines e modern In the sixth week after the first dose, about 42 days. That’s what a generalization Ministry of Health, Through which Cts opinion Regarding the extension of the interval between two doses of the mRNA vaccine, which is expected to be enhanced so far after 21 and 28 days. CTS notes that “there is still a large share of Non-immune subjectsSpecifically, experts will recommend extending the administration of the second dose.

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“Regarding the development in conducting a vaccination campaign against SARS-CoV-2 – we read in an excerpt from the committee’s minutes, dated April 30 – CTS indicates that a large number of unvaccinated people remain, due to semantics of personal data or comorbidities, vulnerable Hugely to evolve Forms of Covid-19 Significantly Severe Or even fatal. Based on this consideration, even in the face of recording studies indicating that the interval between the first and second dose of RNA vaccines (Pfizer / BioNtech and Moderna) is 21 and 28 days Respectively, prolonging the administration of the second dose in The sixth week after the first dose“.

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This consideration – motivated by experts – is justified in the following observations: The second dose is administered within 42 days of the first It does not affect the potency Immune response The first administration of the two RNA vaccines already provides effective protection against the development of serious Covid-19 diseases in a high percentage of cases (more than 80%); In a scenario in which the country still needs to cover a large number of people at risk of developing dangerous or even fatal forms of Covid-19, there are circumstances in which it is appropriate to prioritize public health strategies that allow Covering as many subjects of risks as possible in the shortest time possible“.” Opinion – It concludes that CTS – may be supported in the future by further epidemiological analysis on: mortality by age group, casualties by age group (current data of new infections), and casualty estimate also designed with respect to prevalence study data.

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Read also: “The nurses were infected after the second dose of the vaccine.”


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