Friday, July 26, 2024

Nine landings in one day: Lampedusa under siege


As sea conditions improve, the Italian coasts are being stormed. It’s a well-established practice that shouldn’t surprise you anymore but periodically brings up the topic of random hospitality, which in many cases does more harm than good. Lampedusa It is the island that bears the largest number of immigrants, and this is evidenced by what happened even in the last hours, during which 9 landings were brought to Italy. 200 immigrants. But other landings also took place in Sardinia, where the mayor of Cagliari raised the alarm.

Lampedusa landing

A small boat of 8 meters in length started from the city of Sfax with 28 meters from the city of Sfax, 11 miles from Lampione Sub-Saharan Africa On board, he was rescued by a financial police patrol boat. Immediately after that, the same military ship carried out another intervention 9 miles from Lampedusa, intercepting and rescuing 21 other migrants, including 4 women, on a small boat. With a third intervention in a few hours, he recognized another boat, Kerkennah, with 22 Tunisian and Palestinian immigrants on board, 8 and a half miles from Cabo Poniente. Then the Basque Green carried out another rescue operation about 12 miles off the coast of the island, in which a small boat with 17 Tunisians that had departed from Zarzis was intercepted. Finally, less than a mile from the coast, the financiers found a 5-meter dinghy with 14 Tunisians on board. And the Coast Guard carried out other interventions, as an 8-meter fishing boat with 25 Tunisians on board was intercepted, then a 7-meter boat with 28 Tunisians on board was intercepted. The last intervention was on a 7-meter boat that left Sfax, 7 miles from Lampedusa. 36 other Tunisians on board. Expectations indicate that it may happen in the next few hours Other downloads.

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The landings in Sardinia

It is located south of the island again on the migration routes. The southwest coast once again became a port of landing for immigrants from Algeria. The last time it happened was at night between Friday and Saturday. It is self-disembarkation and the police did not intercept the migrants until after informing the operations center. These are eight men, who were tracked as they walked along State Route 195 in the municipality of Pula. They were not provided with documents and after the first medical triage they were transferred to the reception center in Monastir. The minister will be in Cagliari for the next few hours to address the issue of safety in the city, which worries the mayor. Paulo Truzzo: “A way must be found to prevent the arrival of migrants, which continues even in these hours“.


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