Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stray and its goodness for cat lovers


Stray includes many goodies for cat lovers, mimicking the behavior of our four-legged friends in a surprisingly realistic way.

Stray has a stray cat as her hero, and this choice has undoubtedly contributed to the promotional potential of the game, in a social world that constantly shares content related to our four-legged friends. Well, the developers wanted to fully embrace this decision, trying to be as accurate as possible in the representation of the behavior of kittens on the screen.

In short, Stray is full of goodies for cat lovers And we decided to tell them in an article, because you may have missed some or because you haven’t bought the game yet, but this discovery may be an additional element of curiosity towards the BlueTwelve Studio title. And we know that curiosity is also a typical trait of cats…

Sit low!

Stray, the protagonist “talking” to the B-12 drone

Those who have started well are already halfway in action: the Stray authors clearly know this old adage in its corresponding French version, given that during the first minutes of the campaign they orchestrated chains of affection, rub She merges with the cats belonging to the colony from which the protagonist arrived, who one day fall down the drain and then find themselves wandering the mysterious dead city, as we said in Stray’s review.

At this point the character is drawn to a series of lighted signs that summon his help and reaches the building where the B-12 drone is located, an Android device with advanced artificial intelligence that will accompany him throughout the adventure. In order to carry it, B-12 is embodied on the back of Cat A bib Equipped with a backpack and at this point the cat behaves just as we expect: it carries sitting low And walks in a funny way until he gets used to touching the thing.

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Get your nails done

Stray, a room with some sofas to do your nails
Stray, a room with some sofas to do your nails

The protagonist of the cat Stray is so well able to harmonize, and even does so with an impressive number of different tones, that the developers have even included a trophy associated with the practice. However, there is another behavior that immediately catches the player’s attention, which is Get your nails done on different surfaces.

A normal behavior for cats but at the same time a source of anger and despair for those with decent furniture, this practice is repeated in the game that involves adaptive stimuli The DualSense controller, which applies a variable resistance and thus simulates the friction with the materials we scratch, be it a sofa or a carpet.

Passion Cardboard Boxes

stray, the cat explores a scenario
stray, the cat explores a scenario

Another well-known situation for cats is to get into anything can Cardboard in hand, then recline inside and enjoy a little relaxation. It is not clear why this instinct, perhaps simply associated with the feeling of being covered on all sides and thus protected from any dangers, the fact is that even in Stray, this practice is used for gaming purposes.

In fact, it happens to deal with sequences stealthily Where you have to hide from the security drone sensors, quickly cross a part of the scenario before the beam of light hits us or take advantage of things behind you or inside to hide, like cardboard boxes. After all, we already said: if he works in Metal Gear Solid, why not work in Stray?

nap time

Mindless, napping next to a player on the street
Mindless, napping next to a player on the street

As you know, the PS5 version of Stray uses DualSense’s distinct abilities in a somewhat fanciful way, but the climax can be appreciated when the protagonist of the adventure sits in a convenient place to get a napWhether it is a sofa, rug, cushion or shelf. Well, in this case the controller… rumbling.

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using a combination of haptic feedback And a built-in speaker, the DualSense simulates the behavior of cats when they “snore”, so realistic and convincing that your pet might think you’ve welcomed another stray without telling them anything. Watch out for outbursts of jealousy!

Paper bags, balls and books

Mindless, another place to interact with
Mindless, another place to interact with

Some of the good things in Stray are used in the gameplay, others are cute but end in themselves, and we have some interesting examples. The first is when the cat finds a file paper bag And he puts it on his head, remaining “blind” for a few seconds to the point of reversing the controls, so as to simulate the character’s inability to see where he’s heading.

However, there are also Easter eggs, such as balls Which are usually used to issue rewards at snack time, in case our cat is a bit lazy, or kittens’ ability to jump on things and make them fall: in the BlueTwelve Studio title, it happens with booksbut also with paint cans and even board game tiles, leaving competitors in despondency and expletives.


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