Monday, September 16, 2024

It is possible to fall into a deep, restorative sleep: 5 infallible tips


Do you find it difficult to sleep and want to get deep sleep again? To do this, just follow these simple tips.

Being able to sleep well at night is essential that should never be underestimated, since sleep can affect different aspects of our lives, especially our health.

However, more often than not, it happens that you are unable to fall asleep in a short time and at the same time you sleep poorly, perhaps due to superficial sleep or frequent awakenings that prevent you from waking up peacefully the next morning. In this way The danger is that you will find yourself very tired in the morning Not having the energy to face your days, you find yourself tired and irritable and this can have consequences on your health and the lifestyle you want to follow.

In order to overcome this problem, they come to our rescue 5 tips Provided by us @Filippo Ungaroan Italian doctor and writer, directly from his YouTube channel.

5 tips for sleeping better: Here’s what to do

No screens and food in the room: The bedroom should be used with the function for which it was created, which is sleeping. In fact, you should avoid eating right before bed so that you do not end up with a heaviness in the stomach and at the same time mobile phone and computer screens do not help you sleep.

Did you already know some of these tips? –

Choose mattresses and pillows correctly: Even if it doesn’t seem like it, posture while sleeping is key and that’s why you should have a pillow and mattress that give you a feeling of luxury.
Reduce strong stimuli: In order to relax the mind, the ideal situation would be to dim the lights brightly after 6 p.m., avoid music that causes too much excitement or violent movies, and at the same time drink coffee and tea at least late.
Paying attention to physical exercisesLikewise, you should avoid performing very intense physical training in the second half of the day, so that you can achieve relaxation in the evening.
contemplation: Learning any meditation technique will help reduce attention and nervousness, thus relaxing the mind and helping you sleep, since you will already be particularly relaxed and calm before sleep, and this way your breathing will be more regular and slow.

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Did you already know some of these tips?


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