Friday, July 26, 2024

“Infection among health workers is slowly declining”


According to government experts, in fact, there would be no urgent need to give the third dose of the vaccine to health professionals: they are not fragile subjects. However, it should be noted that the third dose will be given to operators most at risk.

The effect of the vaccine on children aged 12-19 years, significantly reduces cases – A sharp decrease in cases of COVID-19 has been detected among people aged 12-19 since the beginning of August after the significant increase in cases in all age groups at the beginning of July, with a marked decrease in infection among people over the age of 20 years. 12, who are not getting vaccinated, cases of the virus only started declining as of the end of August, along with a decline in total cases.

Over 80, significantly fewer hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinators – According to a report by the Higher Institute of Health, the difference in the hospitalization rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated is evident between more than 80: 1.4 versus 15.5 per 100 thousand people, taking into account deaths of 8.7 per 100 thousand people among the vaccinated and 119.2 among the unvaccinated. In practice, in this age group, the hospitalization rate among the unvaccinated is 9 times higher than the vaccinated, and in intensive care it is 11 times higher and the mortality rate is 14 times higher.

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