Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to access, edit and send


The Pre-filled form 730/2022 You have entered now operation stage.

In fact, From May 31 Taxpayers or their delegates (first of all CAF/professionals, but, new this year, also family members and trusted persons) can they change Ads and/or send them.

The access methods, apart from the novelty regarding the possibility of delegating family members or trusted persons, have not changed compared to last year.

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The only aspect to report is related to the use of SPID To access the reserved section.

Let’s try, then, to compile Steps to follow To access the advertisement and what operations must be performed before sending.

How to get to the reserved section

To access the pre-filled ad, it is necessary to have:

National Service Card (The central nervous system) or identity SPID;

Electronic identity cardexist).

For those who can still use it, the Credentials Issued by the agency (Entratel / Fiscoline).

In fact, From October 1, 2021Credentials issued by the Revenue Agency to citizens can no longer be used to access the reserved area, except in the remaining cases. Nothing changes, however, for professionals and businesses.

In addition, there is also the possibility to use a file Credentials issued by INPS.

The mask in which the credentials are entered is as follows:

precompiled 1

Once you enter the reserved area, the following screen is displayed to the taxpayer:

pre-packed 2

Once in, the taxpayer can perform some operations including:

1) display of preloaded data;

2) Choose the advertising template that suits you the condition tax;

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3) Fill out and send the permit.

View preloaded data

By selecting the item “View data”, a list of items appears that contains data about the advertisement and whether it was used or not, including those related to the following:

– to the individual certificate;

– in the family fee;

– any income from land and/or buildings;

– Any expenses that give the right to deduction and / or deduction.

3 . prepacked

In particular, for the latter, the details of expenses are shown, including the amounts, as indicated, if they are used.

pre-packed 4

Stage data controlTherefore, it is very important because it allows the taxpayer to check whether all the items known to him are present in the pre-filled return, both with regard to income and expenses.

For example, it may happen that there was Changes in cadastral data of properties.

In this case, it may appear in detail that the information is known to the tax authorities but that the updated data was not previously uploaded, as in the following example:

prepacked 5

In this case, then, a manual intervention.

Model selection

Once the data has been verified, the next step is to select the pre-filled declaration form.

By selecting the item “Choose the model”, the following screen opens:

pre-packed 6

The system gives the taxpayer the opportunity to be guided in his choice and, accordingly, to propose the most suitable model for him.

Collect and send permit

The last step that needs to be done is to fill out and send the advertisement (however, it is always possible to decline the pre-filled advertisement and submit the advertisement using traditional methods and channels).

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Obviously, before sending, it’s okay Check Accounting Result From the yield, that is, if there is a debt or tax credit.

The splash screen is as follows:

Pre-compiled 7

In this last step, there is a lot to be done Watch out for the chance Whether you do some thing or not the changesprovided that it is not necessarily required.

In fact, submitting a form without (if you select the “Accept 730” button) or with changes (select the Edit 730 button) is important Effects in terms of controls.

To summarize, the situation can be represented as:

Prefilled ad

Power point

controls (1)


directly or through an alternative

no one

the average

directly or through an alternative

Document verification also on data on fees indicated in the pre-filled declaration submitted by third parties (interest expenses, insurance premiums, social security contributions); The same envisaged exception in the case of a declaration accepted without modifications, on the other hand, applies to the part of the data on fees provided by third parties, indicated in the pre-filled declaration, which has not been modified; (2)

– Preventive examination, automatically or by verification of supporting documents, within 4 months of the deadline for sending the advertisement, or from the date of dispatch, if after the said deadline and payment of refunds no later than the sixth month following the date of the deadline for sending the advertisement , or from the date of dispatch, if this is after the stated deadline (3).

accepted or modified

Through CAF or Professional

The examination of documents carried out against the CAF or the professional who appended the consent to the declaration, also extended to the data on the fees indicated in the pre-filled declaration submitted by third parties.

Disapproved (ad is not already filled out)

Regular checks on advertisements (same checks for submitting a pre-filled form through CAF/professional).

(i) Control over the existence of substantive conditions conferring the right to deductions and privileges, as well as other normal control activities when income is omitted, remains unaffected.

(2) With reference to the fees provided by third parties which have been modified in connection with the pre-filled declaration, the Revenue Agency shall carry out a formal examination of the documents which have given rise to the modification.

(3) The pre-emptive examination shall be applied in the event of changes in respect of the pre-filled return that affect the determination of income or tax and that conflict with the criteria published with the Inland Revenue Clause on May 30, 2022 or lead to a refund of an amount exceeding €4,000.

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Therefore, if these are not mandatory changes, one must be made Accurate evaluation Compare the costs/benefits of these changes and avoid making them, if at all possible and feasible.

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