Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tax records, we go towards extension: at the new deadline


It was scheduled to expire on June 30, as indicated by the decree “Sostegni” instead of Preventing foreclosure And theSend tax invoices must be long time until the 1st of September. The extension was discussed during a series of summits at Mise, during which the participants could also have realized that it No way Intervenesexcellent Requested by the Revenue Agency in conjunction with the collection.

And this is despite the fact that the Constitutional Court intervened in the case, calling on politics the urgency of reforming the mechanism. The truth is that the costs to dispense with it will be very high: it will create a hole in it 800 million.

All about extending the foreclosure ban and sending tax invoices

The instrument to make the extension effective, which is tentatively set for April 30, 2021, could be an amendment. But political agreement is required on what to include in the ruling. For example, there is still a margin for discussion regarding the staging, on August 2, of 16 installments for those volumes already delivered and who have accepted payment. But it has benefited from the blockade since March. Regarding the latter group, Deputy Economy Minister Castelli has proven to be a possibility.

Tax evasion contract and agios

After the Supreme Court withdrew from the Supreme Court, the debate opened about the mechanism of the premium that goes to the Revenue Agency. At the CGIL conference, the director of the agency requested one Tax collection reform With these words, Ernesto Maria Ruffini said: “It does not work,” “even if revenue has tripled since it was announced – he added – from 3 to 9 billion.”

See also  Revenue Agency, Zero Tolerance: 500,000 Citizens Bankrupt

The head of the agency also spoke about the issueTax evasionBack to current affairs during a health emergency. As is known, health is public in Italy. “inappropriateThis is the word Ruffini used to describe evasion: “It’s an unequal struggle and we’re just scratching it.” So here’s the idea of ​​dusting off an instrument that was abolished with the advent of the Yellow-Green government and was feared by a segment of the citizenry: This.

On the political front, the League’s voices are heard calling for an automatic credit cancellation system after 5 years. At this point, however, the opposition of the Democratic Labor Party and Liu arrived.

All taxes and deadlines for the “Black Month” of June Who is the.


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