Keep in mind that it is the spending on food that affects the family budget the most. Even for those without economic hardship, it becomes a heavy burden on the daily budget. Therefore, anyone would like to find a way to save on shopping while still eating well. And without having to dispense with the important things.
That is why here we will provide some pointers on how you can save up to 70% on food purchases, without having to give up the taste and without changing your lifestyle.
General rules for saving when shopping at the supermarket
First of all, you need to create and respect a shopping list. Often times, you go to the supermarket to buy something and then go out after buying something else.
So, the first rule to avoid spending on pointless and expensive things is to make a list of what you really need. In the list, we will be listing missing foods in the home, wisely, and avoiding redundant foods.
Hence, anything not written on that list should not be purchased! Without the menu, you end up putting unhealthy and expensive foods in your cart. This is because ultimately we choose the shame of hunger or gluttony.
How to save on buying food
Another sacred rule is to bring envelopes from home. This habit is not only economical but also environmental. Plus, with our bags every time, we’ll be able to set at least one additional expense each year.
This is because if you buy two bags at a time and do your shopping every day, we will spend 1.40 a week which is 73 for a year. euro. In short, with the bags we can afford, we have the potential of 1-2 additional expenses per year.
The third rule of thumb is to save on buying food
We study the rules to save up to 70% of your food spend, without having to give up on the aftertaste and without changing your lifestyle. These are simple gestures that should not lead us to eliminate what is necessary but only unnecessary which is what also pushes us to pay more.
Another rule is to make a rough mental calculation of how much we spend. In this way, we will have the possibility to remove the dispensed items from the cart. If, for example, we have spent too much, we can choose between what is more urgent and necessary, and do without the rest. In short, you must be aware of how much you are spending!
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