Friday, July 26, 2024

GB, Ukrainian refugee outburst: ‘I’m not a family breaker’


The 22-year-old talks about his love story in the tabloids with the man who welcomed her into the house and left his wife and children for her

Sophia said, “It never occurred to me to spoil that family, I loved it – I spent so much time with Lorna (Tony’s wife, Ed) and tried to help her. But she had two faces. Constant doubt, stress pushed Tony and I closer. He created this The situation is by constantly saying something was going on, but it wasn’t. It’s his fault.”

The girl explained that the relationship between husband and wife was already in crisis before his arrival. “It was my decision to leave their house and when I did that Tony chose to come with me.” When the news reached the newspapers, Sophia was overshadowed by criticism. One said that because of her, British families would now not want to take in refugees and even her own family turned her down.

They say no one in the UK will accept Ukrainians because of me. Now every family will think, “I can’t take a refugee because she’s going to take my husband from me.” This is no longer about me, Tony and Lorna. You cannot understand how I feel: now they write to me that I am a terrible person, that I have done something bad to my country. But there is nothing real.”

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