Friday, July 26, 2024

GB: Gasoline crisis and the government suspends competition law – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – LONDON, Sept 27 – In the face of persistent queues for distributors in Great Britain in the so-called gasoline crisis, caused by a shortage of tankers but exacerbated precisely by the rush to fill tanks for fear of rationing, the government is running to cover and is on About to suspend competition law.

The goal is to be able to refuel in a more targeted manner to service stations that have run out of fuel. According to the BBC’s website, this initiative makes it easier for companies to share information and prioritize which parts of the country are most affected by the problem. According to some media in the kingdom, the executive branch of the Conservative Party will be closer and closer to engaging the army to drive tankers and thus try to overcome the shortage of heavy vehicle drivers.

Figures from the Gasoline Retailers Association (BRA) are alarming: About two-thirds of the 5,500 independent stores have run out of gas, and the rest are “partly dry and quickly running out”. There are over 8000 filling stations in the UK, independent or within large chains. Asda store-operated distributors started in rationing forms: Each driver could refuel a maximum of 30 pounds. (Dealing).

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