Saturday, July 27, 2024

Microsoft has a surprise for anyone who owns an Xbox 360


Nostalgia is an ugly beast but this time Microsoft has decided not to play with our feelings and if you have an Xbox 360 in your life, there is good news for you.

Microsoft has a surprise for those who own the Xbox 360 (Microsoft Pictures)

When we have shown you what it is, surely some of you will raise your eyes to the sky but for many, including us, it is a small gift that communicates respect, Respect their history and respect the players.

Because if you have one Xbox 360 One of the things I definitely tried to do was change symbol picture from your account. Maybe you have too Sold And then, going first through the Xbox One and then through the Xbox X/S series, you wanted to take it with you but I lost it along the way. From Twitter then the good news comes through an account Microsoft Chief Engineer Aiden Marie Who announced that the problem had been resolved.

Microsoft, go back to Xbox 360 with gamerpics

Microsoft has a surprise for anyone who owns an Xbox 360
Microsoft has a surprise for anyone who owns an Xbox 360 (Image: Twitter)

In the days of Xbox 360, it was possible to customize your avatar in the game in many ways. You could have chosen one of these Basic or Buy NS Wins gamerpic of your favorite game. With the change of consoles, so has the way Xbox handles gaming games, and in case you decide to change your profile picture before moving on to the next generation of consoles, you’ve noticed You can’t find your favorite drawing anymore.

Also because in the transition from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, there was a file Increases in a Precision Even in-game avatars that turned game images into mini stamps. Advertising then Marie Through Twitter, he has opened the doors of nostalgia for many players. Also because, and in the comments to his tweet, there is this division, many have continued to do so Use the same game by switching between controllers But many instead decided to change it. Now knowing that it’s possible to get the old 360 avatars back and make them a decent size has made a lot of players go back in time.

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At the moment this change affects owners Xbox Series X in the group Alpha skip forward from the inside So it’s a change that will then also be carried over to everyone’s dashboards. If you are part of the Insider group and want to restore your Xbox 360 game, what you need to do is run again Old glory, making sure the gamerpic is what you want and the change, Microsoft’s engineering lead explains, will automatically switch to the new console as well.

For this update, we have to thank another Twitter user who asked someone to fix their gamerpic by swiping the Xbox One and then the last generation Xbox it became. Lowercase letters It can not be seen. Marie took it very seriously He gradually showed everyone the work he was trying to do to solve this player’s problem, which we imagine has plagued many others as well.

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Is this really a needed change? To the most pessimistic people it may seem like a waste of time, but it is, in our opinion, proof of how little it takes to communicate with players that behind the behemoth that is a money machine, there is someone who cares about these things as well. Few details. Details that nevertheless are the soul of any community.


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