Friday, July 26, 2024

France seized a 30-kilogram goldfish: “It is among the largest fish in the world” – the video


Most people are used to seeing goldfish in classic glass bowls on home furniture. With minnows they often don’t get along 10 cm. However, these animals may be much larger than that. In France, on a hook called an English fisherman Andy Hackett take the bait One of the largest goldfish in the world. sample weighing 30 kg nickname carrot Because of its color, it swims peacefully in the blue fishing lagoons of the Champagne region of France. carrot They were released into the lake more than twenty years ago, and since then no one has caught them, he explains guardian. “I always knew the carrot was in there, but I never thought I’d be able to catch it,” said Hackett, who took 25 minutes to get the fish out of the water. Carrot is a specific type, a A hybrid between common carp and koi carp. “I knew it was a very big fish when I saw the lure going up and down and left and right. Then it came out of the water and I saw it was orange,” the fisherman said excitedly.

Media in the article: FACEBOOK / Bluewater lakes

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