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Justice reform, Sabella in La7: “It doesn’t solve anything, I’m ashamed. You risk more for delirium than shooting a Kalashnikov in the field”

Justice reform, Sabella in La7: “It doesn’t solve anything, I’m ashamed. You risk more for delirium than shooting a Kalashnikov in the field”

“You can’t talk about it Reform justice by changing 4 rules It’s more about intuitive stories than real problems with millions of Justice users. This is not a fixbut it is the usual incomplete surgery, like many we have seen since the introduction of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Everything is missing“. So in the summer wave (A7) Alfonso Sabellathe judge at the Court of Naples, refuses ddl nordeo On the subject of justice, explaining: “In this reform The rules that put us in a position to function are not really there. Today, I am the judge, who must put my face under a banner that reads, “The law is one for all,” I feel ashamedBecause the service we provide to citizens is bad. We have made many inorganic interventions on the judicial system, which led to its destruction.

He repeats: “Sometimes I feel ashamed, because I can’t give decent answers to citizens who come to court, thinking they can get justice. Instead, they find stressful situations and logistics that they are nothing but ashamed of. But nobody cares about these things for years. Just thinking of applying Cartabia repair On video recordings: They made a terrible mess – He continues – they say there is money from banner And there is not even a server to dump these video recordings on. The way the penal code is being curtailed now, Do you realize that you run a greater risk of participating in a rave party than shooting a Kalashnikov in Piazza del Popolo?“.

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Finally, Sabella calls for an organic reform of the judicial system and a serious reform of justice: “Do you want to give us tools to work with? Look, I’m launching a provocation: reintroduce the mandate to go ahead and also extend it to mayors or to 100, 1,000 people of your choosing. But for everything else, Let’s work. Make sure that I can give an answer to the citizens when I go to court.”