Saturday, July 27, 2024

This is how the submarine exploded


Several other disturbing animations and videos have also circulated on social media in an effort to explain and pinpoint what happened to Titan, the submarine that exploded trying to reach the Titanic. But now new expert analytics have emerged with in-depth simulations that show the exact times, in millisecond intervals.

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German Ronald Wagner, who has a doctorate in engineering, used AutoCAD to explain how the submarine exploded. Using frame-by-frame clips, show what happened and how quickly it happened. Dr. described. “The steps are in milliseconds,” Wagner said. “Your brain needs 13 milliseconds to process information from your eyes. That means you need 13 milliseconds to get an image. It takes 100 milliseconds to process pain, so they won’t really feel anything.”

0 milliseconds: Titan’s carbon fiber hull begins to fall apart

Simulations show the submarine’s carbon fiber hull showing the first signs of damage and beginning to collapse inward.

2182 milliseconds: Titan’s hull collapses to half its diameter

The central part of the cylinder collapses to about half its diameter, but the caisson is still intact.

3274 milliseconds: Anyone sitting in the center of Titan would have been crushed

The compact cylinder is small enough to crush anyone sitting midship. At this point, the structure begins to crack.

4365 ms: Titan’s structure has completely collapsed

Simulations show that the central part of the submarine collapsed and separated in the middle. It disproves the theory that extreme external pressure would have melted the structure in one piece, with the titanium domes intact. states in its report, “The separation of the hull and the flow of water combined with fragments of a composite material would have a horrible crushing effect on any animal tissue, even the bones. No one could be left unscathed.” At this point in the simulation, there is still less than five milliseconds left since the submarine began to sink, which is at least eight milliseconds faster than the brain can visually calculate what is happening.

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7.638 milliseconds: Titan’s carbon fiber hull is obliterated

The titanium ring and hull fragments are pushed into the end caps. says that if there is “any hope of finding intactly preserved human remains with limb coverings, these simulations prove otherwise.”

13.495 milliseconds: Titan’s wreckage splashes into the ocean

By the time the human brain may begin to process visual information, debris is strewn about what used to be the submarine. The carbon fiber structure was completely shattered into dozens and dozens of pieces of debris, of varying size. The titanium shells are still there but are now closer together, likely due to pressure still being applied to the end caps.

What does the simulation show?

Within 14 milliseconds, Titan’s entire hull had gone from a completely intact state to a complete disintegration. According to, the analysis confirms that the carbon fiber structure has “crumbled into smithereens.” It also helps explain why, they say, while larger pieces of debris were found, such as the end cap, fairing, fuel and drivetrain, and legs, “no carbon fiber bodywork part was found.”

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