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Salaries at risk?  Here comes the latest gimmick from the European Central Bank

Salaries at risk? Here comes the latest gimmick from the European Central Bank

Not many people have yet understood what the European Union is. In fact, many believe that the European Union is the realization of a dream, project and idea of ​​a united Europe under the banner of democracy and brotherhood. These are excellent ideas and in the name of these ideas we must oppose the European Union, a frozen technocratic beast, a savage beast under the banner of neoliberalism.

Just think of one of the latest news from Brussels. I read in Adnkronos: “Higher wages against inflation. That’s why the ECB opposes it.” The article explains why the European Union opposes the idea of ​​wage increases. The European Union makes it clear that wages should not increase. In particular, Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank, explained why by warning that wages in the eurozone are increasing faster than expected. The ECB must prevent this from adding to the already high inflation of the currency bloc.

The European Union has once again taken positions clearly opposed to the interests of the working class and the middle class, and it is doing so in a very open manner and being its mission. He said explicitly that the European Central Bank wages should not rise. How do we continue to indulge in the illusion that the EU has the interests of workers and peoples at the center? How can we fail to see that the European Union is hiding an obscene project, a project of a top-down reorganization of class capital after 1989.

How can we not see that in addition to destroying identities and cultures in the name of nothingness, the EU targets workers and the middle classes in favor of the neoliberal oligarchy bloc? It is important to re-awaken thought and it becomes crucial to rediscover herd immunity, the possibility of thinking otherwise.

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