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Culture and leisure, in Turin and Piedmont, today, Friday 11 November.

In SERMIG the story of Katrina Morelli. Simple people of Sant’Antonio de Ranverso. Suspension of the midterm elections in the United States.

In SERMIG the story of Katrina Morelli

At 21, Al sermigBorgo Dora Piazza 61, book presentation by Deborah Sagrazzini Kate’s story. God’s will makes everything perfect.”.

Speakers Jonata Valani, husband of Katrina, Luciano Violante, Honorary President of the Chamber of Deputies, Ferdinando Garito, responsible for the Cutolingo Hospice in Chery.

The simple people of Sant Antonio de Ranverso

at 21, in The Sant’Antonio de Ranverso PrincipleButtigliera Alta, animation on the monstrous masks of animals in “Bestiality: Narratives through images and bodies.

Free subscription with [email protected] booking.

Suspension of the midterm elections in the United States

It’s 21.30, Al Intesa San Paolo skyscraperCorso England 3, the meeting US Elections: America Beyond Midterms.

With Francesco Costa, Post, Marilisa Palumbo, Corriere della Sera, Lorenzo Pregliasco, Giovanni Diamanti and YouTrend.

Promoted by YouTrend.

Reservations on the Intesa Sanpaolo Group

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