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Even the prime minister with flickering, Moise's umbrella in Guardiola - Sports

Center-right together with Colle, Friday 10.30 Consultations – Politics

The advisory meeting to form the government will begin tomorrow morning and continue till Friday. From President Sergio Mattarella, the presidents of the two branches of the Parliament will first be received: 10 Ignazio La Russa and 11 Lorenzo Fontana.

At 10:30 a.m. on Friday, center-right groups will meet with the Quirinal for consultations to consider forming a government. “Brothers of Italy”, “Lega Salvini Premier – Sardinian Action Party”, “Forza Italia Berlusconi President”, “CVC d’Italia – Noi Moderati” Parliamentary Group (UTC – Courage Italy – As with Italy – Center in Italy) – MAIE of the Senate of the Republic “.

Forza Italia will have a vice-president post in the Chamber and Senate, while the FdI will have Montessidorio and the Lega in Palazzo Madama: this is the agreement reached by a majority at the end of a meeting between group leaders. Held in the Chamber. Based on this deal, in the Senate, according to parliamentary sources, the majority should be united with the Northern League’s Gian Marco Centinaio and the FI’s Maurizio Caspari, while the blue Giorgio Mule and the FdI’s Fabio Rambelli should remain in the chamber.

Meanwhile, President of Fi, Silvio Berlusconi, as we learn, met with Carlo NordioKnight would prefer Elisabetta Casellatti instead, the Fdi’s deputy in the pillar for the Ministry of Justice. Meeting between Lega president Matteo Salvini and Forza Italia president over lunch.

And this Secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, attacking the majority, tweets: “A question for Giorgia Meloni. Who is damaging Italy abroad? The opposition creating the opposition? The head of the chamber lifting European sanctions on Russia? Gaspary against 194? Against 194? The invader of Ukraine reestablishing ties with Berlusconi?”. Secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta writes on Twitter.

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“Forza Italia claims to be the guarantee of a pro-European government, but has turned from a pillar of centrism into a crutch of post-fascism: the leadership of the Senate went to the longing for fascism Ignacio Benito la Russa and Camera a Fontana, Eurosceptic or homophobic. Are we sure that Forza Italia can be any guarantee? “. So The leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the Eurochamber, Iratxe Garcia Perez He responded to the debate with Ursula von der Leyen at the Strasbourg meeting. “Weber spoke of nostalgia for Angela Merkel today: Merkel would not have accepted an alliance with the far right.”

The third pole
“One of the opposition parties – the President of Action Chamber-IV, Matteo Ricchetti – has been excluded from the Vice-Presidents of the Chambers. At this point, we believe there is an option to consider at least one of the two. Guarantee Commissions, Supervision or Copacir, go to the third pole “.

“Contracts or an obscure company excluded Action and Italia Viva from the vice-presidents of the Chambers, but the electorate,” Nazarene’s sources commented.