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If the metaverse does not convince the younger generations

If the metaverse does not convince the younger generations

Large companies such as Meta and Microsoft are investing billions of dollars to provide experiences in the field metaverse Its users are now known, but younger generations Are they really interested in this new immersive reality? From recent studies conducted by Zipline, Piper Sandler, and Morning Consult in the US, it appears that this has not been the case; Or at least, their interest in metaphysics would be rather moderate.

Metaverse: How do the younger generations feel? some data

The world of fashion, brands, artists and even politics is shifting more and more metaverse. However, despite the turmoil, the “but” is still significant: According to the survey by financial firm Piper Sandler, Millennials And the General Z The major sponsors of the metaverse remain highly skeptical of the idea of ​​a “fully connected” world.

The study data showed that half of the teens surveyed said they were unsure, or had no intention of purchasing a device to access it. metaverse. Of the 7,000 teens sampled, 26% Owns a virtual reality device but doesn’t use it often; Only 9% of those who don’t have one would like to buy one. Furthermore, of 26%, only 5% frequent the metaverse daily, and the remaining portion (about82%He does this several times a month.

Therefore, the interest rates are very low when you think about it 4000 children – Interviewed in a Morning Consult survey – About half of Millennials and Generation Z, although used to playing online, say they “Interested or interested in some wayTo this new virtual world.

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It must be said that so far metaverse They (or metaverses) have been used mostly in entertainment and games: just think of Horizon Worlds – the highly interactive virtual game, launched by Meta di Zuckerberg that started testing to allow its users to monetize, Create and sell items — or the $2 million collaboration between Epic Game and the Lego Group to create a metaverse suitable for children.

Metaverse and Investments: How to Overcome the Doubts of Young Consumers

What opportunities does Metaverse offer on the front Economy and Investments? Strategy consulting firms such as Gartner, Accenture and Deloitte have pointed to great opportunities in the metaverse once again work for business (especially for the retail and retail world) with the premise of establishing contact between customers and metaverseand engaging them in “hybrid reality experiences” that take advantage of augmented and virtual reality technologies in physical stores.

But to make these new and innovative things “pay off” business ideas (i.e. monetizing it), the skill of big brands should be to overcome the skepticism of very small users. In fact, according to data sent by Zipline’s survey of a sample of 600 people between the ages of 13 and 50, eight members of Generation Z out of ten metaverse It’s a familiar concept and more than half of them have already used it themselves (by purchasing NFT or video game activities). In terms of knowledge, millennials are more aware of metaviruses, albeit younger 37% He has announced that he has actively participated.

However, the85% Of the young people examined said that they had felt indifferent to the evolution of existence in the metaverse before big brands; This is evidenced by the fact that of all the people interviewed in the survey, they are the most used metaverse They did it for playing video games (83%) rather than shopping (42%).

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Metaverse economy and new strategies for sellers in Metaverse

Thus, the main challenge for retailers is to overcome the shortage Understanding Metaverse, which were cited by Generation Z (43%), Millennials (43%) and Gen X (53%) as the main reason for not participating in this “parallel” digital reality (in addition to financial barriers and time constraints). However, an interesting fact – still found in the Zipline survey – is that the vast majority of Millennials (75%) and Generation X (69%) said they still care about these things. “Hybrid” experiences.

However, as with everyone new technologiesConsumers need time to understand their potential value and only the right strategies will be able to show how Investments in Metaverse They will be able to make an economic return in the long run. Especially when it comes to retail, then, retail environments can be ideal for introducing shoppers to new resources and alternative sales experiences that can serve as a springboard to engage in so-called ‘Economy Metaverse“.