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The wonder of the solar system: size, composition and comparison of planets – video

The solar system, which focuses on the gravitational force of the sun, which keeps celestial bodies in orbit around it, has always been a fascination for astronomy enthusiasts. Its dimensions are colossal and it is really hard to imagine.

The solar system is enormous. How do you realize how much? –

The solar system: some data

As human beings, I feel a lot kids Indeed if you think about the size of the planet you live on. While Mars Size is approx Half compared to ground (and double the moon), Venus However, it is a lot similar For our planet, on such terms.

In the Solar SystemHowever, these are among the smaller planets. By shifting the focus to the greatest, imagine the greatness JupiterWhich 1300 times larger than Earthin terms of scale, can be particularly challenging.

Instead, imagine Qatar SunIt’s not a requirement, but it’s almost impossible. This is, in fact, about 10 times that of Jupiter and measurements 1,392,000 km. An unimaginable number in terms of scale.

Solar System Scale

Thus, establishing a ratio between the planets of the solar system is a colossal effort. To make the idea better, and to realize the greatness of this system, a planetary astronomer thought about it James O’Donoghfrom JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).

In the video he created, a Royal flush, corresponding to our solar system. The video starts from the dwarf planet Ceresalong with moon it’s Plutoand expands more and more, making a perspective view of the real size of the planets, compared to each other.

In addition to the dimensions of the celestial bodies, in addition to the dimensions inclinations and the rotation of the planets. They are, in fact, all different and distinct, and varied from one another.

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New data with a clearer view

After watching the video, you can better understand the size of the small points, in fact, that can be observed from the Earth’s surface. The sun, which in our eyes is a little larger than a marble, can contain a volume equal to that million planets equal to our country.

But the Sun is by no means the largest celestial body. In fact, there are stars millions of times larger than the Sun. black holeson the other hand, they are two separate things: even from “approximate” calculations we know for certain that there are some whose mass is equal to billions times of the sun.

Therefore, a celestial giant is only a grain of sand compared to what it could be inbeing. Thinking of it this way, one might feel very small.