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The sun makes a strong explosion, and a strong radio blackout occurs in Italy too

The sun makes a strong explosion, and a strong radio blackout occurs in Italy too

a sunspot raised strong explosion Yesterday, Saturday 30th April: AR2994 Generates a huge solar flare Class X1.1 (Class X flares are the most powerful explosions on our star.) NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a video Unusual solar flares of different wavelengths (below).

Even with the sunspot completely hidden behind the sun’s northwest edge, the explosion still produced enough radiation to Strong radio blackout The short wave over the mid-Atlantic and much of Europe,Astronomer Tony Phillips wrote on the specialized website He added that it lasted about an hour.

there Storm Solar It started at 13:37 UTC and peaked 10 minutes later, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center found. The solar flare almost certainly caused a massive explosion Coronal mass ejectionor CMEIt’s charged particles, Phillips explained, but because the glow came from a sunspot that’s hidden from direct view from Earth, the CME likely won’t hit our planet.

luminous class x

Solar storms have different intensity or categories that scientists use to determine their intensity. The weakest solar flares are Category A, Category B, and Category C events, while the most powerful Category M storms are powerful enough to amplify Earth’s northern lights as they collide with our planet.

Category X solar flares represent the most powerful explosions the Sun can generate: if directed directly at Earth they can pose a danger to satellites and astronauts, as well as interfere with power stations and radio signals. Each class of solar flare has nine degrees of intensity except for X flares. The strongest known Class X flare occurred in 2003 and reached X28 before overpowering the sensors monitoring it.

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The Sun follows an 11-year cycle, with the current cycle known as Solar Cycle 25 (started in 2019). It is currently in the phase of increasing severity. It is monitored by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Sun and Heliosphere Observatory, and other spacecraft.