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Here comes the €1200 shopping bonus for everyone: How to apply by November

Here comes the €1200 shopping bonus for everyone: How to apply by November

Good news for citizens, the arrival of shopping vouchers, and the procedure was renewed with a duplicate support decree

what is he talking about

An expenditure allowance is a measure that allows families who have difficulty in meeting basic family needs. These are people in a situation of proven need by social services who find themselves lacking money or cash due to losing their jobs most of the time. Furthermore, recipients must not be recipients of other forms of public support such as RDC- REI- NASPI- Mobility Allowance- Cassa Integrazione Guadagni.


With a bis endorsement decree, the procedure was renewed. But more concessions are made to families. The available financial resources amount to 500 million euros which in any case will be spent by the municipality through the spending bonus or called in some municipalities such as Catania Card Spesa.

How much is it owed to each municipality?
The financial resource available to each municipality depends on two factors: the poverty index and the population. The methods of application, requirements and methods of verification of applicants are entrusted to the mayor and his staff in each municipality.

The differences

However, each administration will present its own invitation to apply, thanks to the new procedures introduced by the Sostegni Bis Decree. These include the municipality of Turin, the municipality of Bologna, the municipality of Siena, the municipality of Piacenza and the municipality of Lecce. And again, the municipalities of Aosta, Udine and Sassari. Renewal of shopping vouchers is also expected in the municipality of Milan and the municipality of Rome.

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How much does one voucher cost?
Each applicant can receive a bonus of up to 500-600 euros maximum. Even if on average it always remains around 300 euros per month. The value of the reward often depends on the number of people who make up the family unit and on the current ISEE value. Therefore, the more family members, the higher the coupon for you to buy groceries.

the stuff

Finally, please note that spending rewards can only be spent for two purposes:

Procurement and distribution of basic foodstuffs:
Purchasing basic foodstuffs such as medicines from the shops participating in the initiative. It is often the municipalities themselves that indicate the participating exhibitors.