Saturday, July 27, 2024

TFR or TFS paid late: ask INPS for interest


In the event of a delay in providing end-of-service or service benefits, the worker can request default benefit.

In Italy, TFR or TFS (termination or service compensation), also called liquidation, refers to That part of the salary that is paid to the employee upon the end of the employment relationship. The employer is the one who must pay this amount to his employee.

Late payment of TFR or TFS: claim interest at

The severance allowance or service was established in April 1927 and provided for the right of every worker to receive compensation proportional to the years of work performed. but Who are eligible for TFR/TFS?

How to claim late payment interest on late TFR/TFS payments

All workers in the public and private sectors They are entitled to receive an end-of-service or service gratuity. The employer must necessarily pay TFR/TFR to its employee in all cases of termination of the employment relationship. For example, in the case of dismissal (individual or collective) and resignation.

In the event that the company goes bankrupt or if an advance payment is required from part of the TFR/TFS, INPS is the one that guarantees the payment on behalf of the employer. But how can a worker calculate the amount of end-of-service or service reward?

Every worker can claim late payment interest due in case of late payment of end-of-service benefits/

To find out the TFR/TFS number it is necessary to take the annual salary and divide it by 13.5. 0.5% will then have to be subtracted from the amount obtained, which will be used to contribute to the INPS insurance fund to pay workers' wages even in the event of the company's bankruptcy.

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In this way you will find the value that will correspond to the TFR / Total Annual Gross Income which must be multiplied by the number of years of service. But what happens if severance or service pay is paid late?

The employee will have the opportunity to request late payment interestOnly if the delay in payment is due to the negligence of the body administering compulsory social security.

Workers can proceed to recover the default interest by opening a compensation claim against INPS, which is one of the bodies that guarantees the disbursement of TFR/TFS.

The application does not have to meet immediate deadlines, but can also be sent after a few years. Obviously, as in other cases, the ten-year limitation period must be taken into account.

Until that point, any worker may have the right to request repayment of late payment interest accrued on severance pay or late-paid service. It is good to point that out The interest recovery procedure is initiated only if the amount due is greater than 12.00 euro.


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